Ok, so I posted this once, but the power went out while I was trying to upload pictures! Ugh! I will try again! It has been 9 months since my last post! Oh my! I guess I have been pretty busy. Nathan was born 7 months ago, and despite much fanfare and drama, he is now a perfectly healthy 7 month old with 3 teeth, blonde hair, chubby cheeks...and weighing in at a whopping 20 pounds! He is pulling up to standing, sitting up, and trying his best to crawl already! He has overcome a lot of obstacles in his short life. He was born with Neonatal Alloimune Thrombocytopenia which almost took his life. He spent a few days in the NICU, but recovered completely. This is something similar to the RH incompatability, but a little more rare. My 3rd child had this as well, but she was not diagnosed correctly, and since she recovered completely, it was overlooked. He was born tongue-tied, which we had clipped at 2 weeks, since it interfered with nursing. We didn't get his acid reflux under control until he was around 5 months, so the first several months were trying! He flunked his newborn hearing screening, and went for further testing, which only showed very slight problems, so even though he goes for more testing in a couple of months, I'm confident he will be fine. It took us 2 months to figure it out, but we have been nursing successfully since then! Adjusting to #4 has been harder than I expected, but I still think it just depends on the baby.
Homeschooling went better than expected! The 2 middle kids are in vision therapy as well as addressing some fine motor delays. This should be over in a couple of weeks. Then my 3rd DD will be ready to start the process of learning to read! She has been asking for me to teach her, but I was waiting until she mastered her letter recognition (part of therapy). I am planning already for our next school year, which I think I will begin early for DD#3, so I can get some extra one on one time with her as she works on learning to read.
God has been speaking to me lately about being "shut in with God." It makes me think of Noah and how he took his family into an ark, despite everyone around him telling him he was crazy, or overreacting. Noone else on earth understood or accepted what God was telling him. How he must have felt inside the ark, surrounded by his family, listening to the devestation all around them.
Well, time to go for now, but I hope to be on here more often now that little man is getting older!
In Him,
Hi, Myra~
ReplyDeleteWELCOME BACK! It's good to see you again! WOW....you go away for awhile and come back with a 7 month old baby! AWESOME! :> )
PRAISE GOD your precious little one! He has come so far!
Praying for him to continue to grow strong and healthy!
There ya are. Lol. Nate will pick up a schedule. Once you find one you are comfortable with just be consistant in it and give him time to adjust and things will be a little easier. Play around to find what works best for you. Good to have you back in blogger world. Lol. Working on the header today some. What a pain. Lol! :)