Thursday, June 24, 2010

My thoughts on why the church isn't reaching the lost...

I would like to share with you my thoughts on reaching the lost. I must respectfully disagree with the idea that our church needs to change it's methods to reach the lost more effectively. I have never heard a lost person say, "boy, if the church would just change their methods, I would give my life over to Jesus!" The statement that most lost people have made over and over again goes more like this, "I don't go to church because the church is full of hypocrites." I have to say, I think the lost people have hit the nail on the head. Church leadership sit around and have meetings and committees trying to figure out what they can change in order to reach the lost. Why not take a hint from what the lost themselves are saying? The problem isn't the way the church looks, the programs, the methods, the music, etc. The problem is that we, as christians, are called to be Christ-like...and we are not always that. Now, are christians supposed to be perfect? By no means. However, we should reflect Christ in our attitudes and in our personalities. What should we look like then? The Christ I know is full of LOVE, COMPASSION, AND HOLINESS. So, then, the church should be full of these things as well. Lost people are not stupid! They know the difference between real love and just lip service. I have heard some christians say that they "do not have the gift of compassion" or that they "don't like people." Aren't these qualities things that every believer should possess? If we are to be Christ-like, then the answer is YES! Perhaps the lost would be reached more effectively if the christians who have allowed the Holy Spirit to empower them would not be ashamed to share their faith! Yes, some people have an extra measure of boldness (evangelists, preachers, etc.) to proclaim God's love to the nations, however, I believe that the bible is speaking to ALL believers when it says that if we are ashamed of Jesus on earth, then He will be ashamed of us before God in heaven! I see very clearly, in fact, every time I watch the news, that the Lord will be returning soon. The bible tells us that when the anti-christ takes over there will be one world government and one world religion. This religion will be one of compromise. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the only path to God, in fact, the bible is very clear about this (Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, the light and no man goes to the Father except by Me.) ANYTHING that waters down the power of Jesus is simply a path towards that emerging one world religion. Jesus said in the bible, "if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me." He has called us to be bold in our faith (whether it is hard for us or not) and share the gospel, and we must be obedient to that, however, in the end, it is the Holy Spirit that will draw the lost to Jesus. God uses us to help reach the lost (what an honor), but He is in ultimate control, so it is very important that we keep our eyes on Jesus and follow Him. We are to have a heart for the lost, that is a part of being Christ-like, but our number one priority is to keep our eyes on Jesus! He will lead us to the lost, and then as we OBEY Him we will speak boldly of the love of God, and how he has transformed our lives and they will come to repentance and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! If we put our focus on the lost, or on church growth, or on anything else, it will become an idol to us. Anything that takes our eyes of of Jesus, even wonderful things that Jesus has a heart for, will lead us to ourselves and not to Him. I believe that this is the reason that a lot of churches have become seeker friendly. Seeker friendly is a way of thinking that purposes to reach the lost by making them comfortable at church or at church functions. Not wanting to "offend" the non-believer, they carefully arrange everything to keep them from feeling uncomfortable at church. As far as I am concerned, this "uncomfortableness" at church used to be called "conviction" and it was a good thing! It leads to salvation! It's ok to change things in the church, I have no problem with change. However, if the change makes the church look more like the world, then why in the world would the lost want to have anything to do with the church? If they can listen to worldly music on their ipod, then why come to church to do it? If they can play games and watch movies at home, then why come to church to do it? The bible says that we are to be set apart, a peculiar people! Why is the church so afraid to be different?? I'm not saying the church as a whole doesn't have problems that need fixed, I'm just saying that seeker friendly ways are not the answer. I believe that if you look through history at many of the revivals that changed cities, you will see that that it came about through seeking God's face, not through a change in their methods. As the people in the church experienced this new passion for God, their lives were changed. As their lives were changed, the lost looked and said "hmmm, seems like the church isn't full of hypocrites anymore!" Cities were reached for Jesus! Lives were changed and the lost were drawn in by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit either used a believer to bring someone to God, or sometimes He just brought them Himself, with no help from man! Then, when the lost came to the church, the church people were so full of love and compassion and holiness that they more closely reflected the image of Christ! Honestly, I don't care if I am called a Pharisee, or old fashioned, or just plain wrong. This is what I believe, it is the God I know and have known since I was a child. I am not afraid to lose friendships because of my beliefs either. It is time for God's people to make a stand and not be afraid to be persecuted, even by other believers.

1 comment:

  1. Many church goers I speak to think they are too good to mingle with the lost. "They need to clean up their actions and their bodies and come to church" they say. What we have looking out from the church doors is: dirty gang members - filthy homeless poeple and scarry drug addicts. From a good upstanding citizen point of view, I don't blame them for keeping their distance. From a Christian point of view, What did Jesus do? He went out to the lost of his day and spent time sitting with them and talking about their lives and where it was headed. He showed mercy and also told them they needed to make changes. Before Jesus left he gave us the great commission, Go into all the world and teach them. We christians are the Christ's of our world, where are we? Do we just sit in the pew and play Christian? Or do we go out into the highways and hedges and be Christian? Please read my book on this subject, "The Cross and the Psychiatrist" by Terry Dorn People are out there waiting to hear the message of Jesus, WHERE ARE YOU?
