Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SPD and salt

My 10 year old son has Sensory Processing Disorder. It effects him in all 7, yes 7, of his senses. However, I am growing most concerned about the way it effects his eating habits. This child uses salt like it is going out of style. I switched to sea salt, since it is supposed to be healthier, but he is still using an unbelievable amount! I had him read an article in the paper tonight about the dangers of using too much salt! It was a bit over his head, but worth a try. He puts salt on Saltine crackers, for goodness sake! Yet another topic to discuss with his OT once we start back up again. He will say to his sister "try this, it's good, it has no flavor." Poor guy! What am I gonna do? Oh the joys of a messed up nervous system!


  1. Hi,

    My son has SPD and is 9 -- he puts hot sauce on EVERYTHING, yes even crackers (or chips, or eggs, or chicken nuggets). Your son is looking for flavor, maybe offering him the opportunity to pick out one of those salt-free seasoning mixes (like Mrs. Dash)? Maybe he could find more flavor that way? I would say it is worth a try -- I guess it depends on how picky he is. :)

    Anyway, thanks for sharing!

    Author of This is Gabriel Making Sense of School
    SPD Blogger Network
