Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rough week...

I made it! I wasn't quite sure I would make it through this week. I am a bit exhausted, but we ALL survived. Praise God. Tuesday my oldest daughter (12 years old) started having neurological symptoms followed by a severe headache and vomiting. Her speech was impaired (using the wrong words and using nonsense words), and her right arm went numb all the way up to her tongue. She had been to the dentist the day before so my first instinct was to call the dentist and see if this was a delayed reaction to the novacaine/laughing gas. The dentist said it was not related, but that we needed to call her family doctor immediately. I called them right away, but had to wait for them to speak with the doctor and return my call, which took about 20 minutes. In the meantime, my daughter's headache was getting worse, while her arm and tongue returned to normal. Her speech was still affected. The doctor said to go to the ER if the initial symptoms returned. I gave her some ib profin, but the headache continued to get worse. I called my mom and my husband, and kept asking my daughter questions to evaluate her state of mind. I asked her why she was talking in such a way and she answered that she couldn't hear me. At this point I took her to the ER as fast as I could get there. On the way she started vomiting. We stayed for a couple of hours and the ER and then were sent to Riley Hospital for Children's ER. Several hours later she was admited to the heart center at Riley. She was given a CAT scan, a CAT scan with contrast, a chest xray, an MRI, an echocardiogram and blood tests for several different clotting disorders as well as a CBC. We were allowed to come home the next day as the tests that had come back were normal, but we are still waiting on results for the echocardiogram and the blood tests. At this point the neurologist is thinking it was a "complex" or "complicated" migraine. This is a type of migraine that has neurological symptoms and it is rare, especially in a 12 year old. If she were to be given Imitrex, or any drug in that family (which is the drug normally given for a migraine), it could cause a stroke. We have an appt. with the neuroglogist in 3 weeks. The night we came home from the hospital, exhausted and running on 1 hour of sleep, my other kids woke up vomiting. I think they caught a bug in the ER waiting room. Vomiting and fevers for 24 hours. Yuk! Finally, we are all recovering well and I am staying busy cleaning the house and getting rid of all the germs in the house. God was with us and supplied our every need. My mom was a tremendous help! Thank you Lord, for taking care of my babies!