Monday, March 23, 2009

Update on Listening Therapy

So far, so good! The first couple of days were really rough. My son was very upset and kept saying he hated music. He didn't want to cooperate. Things are going better now. I have been keeping an eye out for any changed behaviors. He has seemed really mellow this week. My husband even noticed it. It's like his engine is running at 5 miles per hour. Now, he has had a cough for a while, so I am hoping that this isn't what is causing this change. I guess we will see. Tomorrow we have OT so it will be nice to see what she has to say. My youngest really doesn't seem to be able to do the LT. She is only 4, and the headphones fall off so much because they are so big, even when they are adjusted to the smallest setting. We may hold off on LT for her for a while. I have a very good friend who just started brushing with her infant daughter. I was able to show her the Wilbarger protocal! It's really cool that they are catching this with her so young. I think they were on top of things with her because she was a 10 week early preemie. She's fine in every other way, other than some sensory issues. Well, that's all for tonight. Later.

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