Sunday, February 22, 2009

My very first blog post

I've been thinking about blogging for a while now, and it seems that tonight is the night that I finally get the courage to make an attempt! I just thought that this would be a good way to keep everything in perspective. Life can get in the way at times and cloud my view. I want to keep my focus on Jesus more and more. I have learned a little bit about "binocular" vision as 2 of my kids are having problems in this area. If you aren't using both of your eyes correctly to focus on something than you will lose your depth perception. Try covering one eye. Now ask someone to hold up a small container and hold an object above that container. Have them slowly move the object over the opening of the container until you tell them that it is directly over the opening. You will be amazed at how far "off" you will be in your attempt. This reminds me of how "off" my life becomes I am not correctly focused on God. My spiritual eyes need depth perception to be able to perceive the deep things of God. My kids have problems with double vision when they are writing. Likewise, when I am not focused on God, I see all of life's problems and woes to be "double" what they really are. They also have problems catching things that are thrown at them. I, too, have problems "catching" the things that life throws my way when my mind is not on Him. It's also hard to "catch" the teachings and blessings that God throws my way when I am not looking towards him. Another area of concern for my kids is that they sometimes struggle in making eye contact with someone who is up close. Oh, how this one resonates within my heart! When I have lost my focus on Christ it is so hard to "look Him in the eye" when I am in His prescence. As soon as I start to feel the guilt, though, He reminds me of His unconditional love for me. No, He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. He has held me in the palm of His hand the whole time. Interestingly, the way to fix this vision deficit is to do vision exercises daily. Sounds a whole lot like my christian walk! I need to stay in His Word daily and sit in His presence to keep my eyes trained on Him. It reminds me of an old song...

O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see?
There's light for a look at the Savior, and life more abundant and free...

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth, will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.


  1. This is great! Welcome to the blogging world. I will add you to my friends list. If you need any help changing you template or adding let me know. Talk in few. Have fun blogging!

  2. Renee moved over to blogspot about a month ago. I have considered moving but not sure yet. Maybe I will move shortly. Talk in few!

  3. welcome to the blogging world
