Sunday, June 14, 2009

Still learning

Saturday I went garage saling and, oh my, did I get some great deals. I am really stocking up on things for the baby...cheaply! It was a lot of fun. Tiff and I went together and we ran into my parents along the way...literally, we almost ran into them!! Anyway, we shopped a few sales with them. I'm really getting into garage saling!

Well, I am going to make my first attempt at posting a blog with a picture in it! If it works I will be doing it more often! These are pictures from our trip to Holiday World last year! That's Noah and Rachel in the top picture. My oldest, Hannah is in the 2nd picture (2nd one from the right side).

Well, until next time!


  1. Great pics! It looks like everyone had a fun time! did a great job with the pics! :> )



  2. heeeey... looks like you ad a great time. where did you guys go! to the carnivl by walmart. if did not fiar! :) tell the family i said hi!:0

  3. See I told you, you could do it.. Hey are you gonna add the baby counter I sent you.. LOL. You were on aim where you go.. hahaa! everyone sleep here. I am lonely.. LOL! JK!

  4. Hey how are you havent seen you on. Noticed you dropped in. LOL! Hey got some new stuff for you make sure remind me I will get it to you shortly.
