Hey all. It's been a madhouse around here. Tom has been fixing the shower (yay!) and so far it is going well! Hopefully it will be done today. My new nephew, Eli, is doing well, but I NEED to see him soon! Tuesday is the BIG day! I will have my ultrasound at 2:45 to check the health of our new little one and hopefully we will be able to find out the sex of the baby! The whole family is trying to be patient until then, but they are dying to know! I, on the other hand, am very nervous about the whole thing. I won't be happy until they tell me everything looks perfectly normal and the baby looks healthy. Whether it is a boy or a girl is just icing on the cake for me!
We have jumped back into listening therapy full steam ahead. I couldn't keep up with it during my first trimester...I was way too sick. We have a star chart that Noah fills in everyday and he gets a prize at the end for doing his therapy. It is working wonderfully so far! I am hoping to notice some big changes soon!
Well, that's all for now. I will leave you with a picture of my youngest, Rachel, right after she gave herself a haircut a few weeks ago!